
by Dr. Romeo Weiss

The Virus originally stems from a red bramble with white thorns.

Much like a dodder plant it is parasitic so it seeks out hosts that have similar hot temperatures.

A person will become infected either by directly touching the red bramble with bare skin, breathing in the spores produced by the brambles, or by having the bodily fluids of an infected.

It then decomposes from the inside out, regardless of if the host is alive. And much like fungi, it will just break down any organic material in order to grow more of its self.It seems to then affect the brain and reanimate the bodies it takes root in. Possibly to keep spreading and growing. IT WANTS TO CONSUME AND GROW.

It's really a combination of dodder, fungai and poison ivy.

My reasearches suggests that it is a heavily mutated variation of the dodder plant, a parasitic plant genus. Exposure to the hellish nature of The Nether has viral infection capable of rotting flesh within a few days of infection.

The plant is highly toxic, likely due to where it comes from, aka it creates a rash like reaction like poison ivy which then infects the host after the oils break skin.


coming soon

Specimen V6

  SPECIES:   Genetically Engineered Creature
  CREATION DATE:   02/08/2017
  DNA:   vulpes vulpes, corvus corax, donated blood from X̶̢̛̺̞̥͍̦̟̩̌̂͋̊̒̐̇̈́̒͌͋̕X̷̳̍̆̑͊̾̃̃̎̄͊̓͝͠X̴̡̡̨̭͙͎͕̥̽̏̋̅͊͛Ẋ̷͖͔̺̪̯͙̞̠͂́̐̂͗̐̇̚͜͠X̸̢̨̛̟̱̝͎̟̎̅͌̀̂̑̈́̀, sample extraction from X̶̢̛̺̞̥͍̦̟̩̌̂͋̊̒̐̇̈́̒͌͋̕X̷̳̍̆̑͊̾̃̃̎̄͊̓͝͠X̴̡̡̨̭͙͎͕̥̽̏̋̅͊͛Ẋ̷͖͔̺̪̯͙̞̠͂́̐̂͗̐̇̚͜͠X̸̢̨̛̟̱̝͎̟̎̅͌̀̂̑̈́̀

  TEMPERMENT.   Curious and highly intelligent. Unstable at times. Obedient.


01. The first Chimera specimen to make it all the way to maturity, and stay stable.02. Immunity to virus.03. Maturing at a rapid pace.

04. Body seems to be mutating in a way, most likely due to DNA make up.05. Blood shows high signs of toxicity.

>Dr. Alatross,I am getting impatient with the results, why have you not produced a single specimen.C.G.
>xxxx xxxxxx,
My apologies sir, we are trying but the specimens bodies are not stable, they all completely keep falling apart. We aren't sure if this is due to how harsh the virus is on animal DNA but we think it might be missing a gene to help hold it together.
>Dr. Alatross,
Use human genes then. I don't care but you NEED to produce a result sooner or later or else I'm shutting it down.
>xxxx xxxxxx,
Yes, we figured we could try that but its just that... we need an able body that has a history of being healthy to match. I am unsure if we even have any samples in one of our old labs.
>Dr. Alatross,
I will send in a sample of mine. Use that. My family has a history of no health issues. It'll arrive in the next week. I expect results Dr. Alatross.
>xxxx xxxxxx
Thank you sir! I won't let you down. I can promise you that.

January/xx/2017After 7 long months, it took the fourth try for us to finally get a DNA sample from the Nether.This was no easy task, that hell hole is crawling with all sorts of creatures, or so my expedition crew has told me. However thankfully it wasn't the creatures we needed a DNA sample from. It was from that god forsaken plant that lives in there that caused this virus. We lost a handful due to not following proper protocal when handling the plant matter.No matter, we have what we need, it should be enough DNA to sustain our experiments.We will now begin the Chimera Project.-Dr. Alatross